The promise of dozens of slabside Lincolns at a single event was met by a joint conclave of Suicide Kings Lincoln owners and Cadillac Kings, who displayed over 100 of their mid-century classics at Yorba Regional Park, Anaheim.
The gala event was the first of 2024 and certainly started the new year off with a bang! Owners came from throughout the Southland to enjoy a casual barbecue and the good fellowship of fellow collector car enthusiasts.
LCOC members Jim Ayres, Dale Derstine, Don Torrence and Elayne Bendel were on hand to greet each other and friends from the host groups. Bright sunshine and shirtsleeve weather in January contributed to the enjoyment of the day.

Park officials were unhappy with the overflow response and moved some of us out of illegal fire lane parking areas into other lots. But they were polite and patient while giving us the chance to move and not be cited with violations.
Owners’ imaginations never fail to delight us with their variety in interpretations of the classics. One amazing convertible in particular caught my eye. It began life as a 1962 Lincoln, but was highly customized with the signature peak moldings eliminated. Sporting a powerful LS engine and full custom seats, it gave me the feeling of what our classic Lincolns might have looked like had they been developed and introduced today. See for yourself below.

Of course, there were the large wheels and lowered suspension, custom paint and special interior treatments we have come to admire from the Suicide Kings, but also some lovely stock examples to enjoy. Native dancers and even an interloper Ford Woodie made it to the event.

Our sincere thanks to Alex Melendrez and the Suicide Kings for inviting LCOC to attend.

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