With the granddaddy of all U.S. car shows happening tomorrow, a relatively new Car Week event was held Saturday to lighten the mood before the serious business scheduled for Sunday in Pebble Beach.
The promotional Website described the Concours d’LeMons with a tongue-in-cheek look at our car collector hobby. “An ugly oil stain on the Monterey and Pebble Beach Auto Week, the Concours d’LeMons returns once again to Seaside, CA. Hoopties, Rust Buckets, Misfits, Mistakes and the worst of the automotive world will be on display and as always celebrity judges will be accepting bribes for our Thrift Shop sourced trophies. The best part is that the show is free for participants and spectators, so you’ll get exactly what you pay for.”
It was all in good fun and there was no shortage of potential award winners for the Worst in Show, Sight for Sour Eyes, Drivin’ on a Prayer and many others. Click the images for a closer look.

A sizeable crowd of spectators was on hand to view the candidates. Even Fido got into the act in a mini VW bus.
While we were not there for the award ceremonies, I feel confident that among the cars below there are at least some winners. Choose your favorite for the available prizes.

One fur-covered horse mobile, AKA a 1975 Lincoln, could have been the most bizarre of all the entries. In the photos below a young boy sits atop the roof-mounted horse who came complete with neighing sound effects.

Popular Motor Trend TV host Wayne Carini was part of the action with a possible winner.

Some entries simply defy description…

Several Citroens were displayed in the Unmitigated Gaul class. One owner revealed that the brie and champagne used with his display had sat in his freezer for a year. Our own Jim Ayres was brave enough to sample the cheese, and while he admitted it was not very good he was rewarded with a glass of French champagne for the tasting.

While the investment in these beauties may not quite equal that of tomorrow’s show cars, the time to select just the right vehicle for this event may have been just as extensive. Wouldn’t you agree it takes real talent to imagine an upside down show car?
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