The Aug. 28 San Marino Motor Classic, which has been growing in popularity and prestige over the past few years, boasts several award winners from LCOC, but not necessarily for their Lincolns. The excepotion is Gary Carr, whose beautiful 1956 Lincoln Premiere coupe received a 2nd place award in the American Luxury Closed – 1947 -1958 class. Gary attributes some recent cosmetic work under the hood for part of his success. And there is no doubt the effort was worth it. See photos below of his Lincoln and its gleaming power plant.

But Gary was not done with this award. His 1939 Packard Twelve Touring Cabriolet by Brunn, won first place in the Pre-War American CCCA Full Classics Class. What a day Gary! Hope you have a good spot for your new award hardware. Here’s a photo of the Packard, which also made a previous Pebble Beach appearance.

While we are on the subject of Packards, kudos to Bazil LaRoche and Russell Harmon, who took a 3rd place award for their 1939 Packard 120 Club in the Packard International Pre-war Junior Class.

And finally, amazed Dale and Kay Derstine learned that their elegant 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire won the Art Center College of Design award for style as voted by the students of the college. It was the only such award presented at the show! Congrats to you for this honor. For a list of all award winners click here.

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