Lincolns Shined Bright at The Annual Big Four Event!!!

No rain this year, instead a spectacular sunny day, perfect for the beautiful Lincolns, Cadillacs, Packards and Imperials on display for our annual Big Four event at William R Mason Regional Park in Irvine. After last year’s inclement weather, this year we were all very happy for the beautiful sunshine. Though attendance was not as strong as past years, the quality of the cars and wonderful attendees made for a very successful event.

The day continued with lots of great conversations and tire kicking, as can be seen in the photos. Jim’s ’71 Mark III was a hit, especially when he opened the hood. Though the cars were the stars of the show, the people were what made the event so special. Since this year’s attendance was not as large as usual, that allowed for more time to interact and converse with most everyone who came, as well as plenty of tire kicking. Spectators came from all over SoCal, some from as far as the Coachella Valley.

Our pavilion was just a few steps away from our cars, and was surrounded by the immense natural beauty of the park and adjacent areas.  Thanks to Betsy from the SoCal Cadillac and La Salle Club, everything was so carefully arranged, with the tables so nicely covered with tablecloths, a perfect backdrop for the array of delicious food that the members so thoughtfully prepared. Some of the yummy offerings included a Waldorf salad, pulled pork, an Asian chicken salad, a balsamic pesto pasta concoction and a large assortment of desserts. Great conversations continued comfortably in the pavilion’s shade during and after lunch. It’s no wonder why the Big Four Annual Event was a hit, yet again.