If you live in or near San Diego and are a fan of great cars and greyhounds, LCOC member Tom Wright is organizing a “Meet Tulip” Cars and Coffee event on Sunday Sept 20 at 9 a.m. at The Corner Bakery, 1025 Camino De La Reina Ste 3, (Northeast of Mission Center Road & I-8) in Mission Valley. Tulip is Tom’s newly adopted greyhound.

Tom belongs to a number of car clubs including LCOC and members of all have been invited to this low key meet-up event. Wide spacing for cars, face masks and social distancing for people will be observed. Expected display vehicles include Lincolns, Rolls-Royces, MGs, Corvairs, Jaguars, Auburns/Duesenbergs and others.
RSVP to Tom at: twright3@san.rr.com
Tom says, “Many of you met Lily, my greyhound who over the years attended many car meets with the various clubs I belong to. She was better known than I am. Lily passed away last October at 15+ (106 in greyhound years). My new copilot, Tulip, came off the track March 1st and I adopted her as soon as she was ready three weeks later. By then the pandemic had canceled the car meets in all my clubs. But now, with care, we are able to hold some events and I’d like everyone to meet Tulip.”
He is inviting all his car clubs to a cars and coffee: the Rolls-Royce Owners Club, the SD Jaguar Club, the San Diego Mini Club, San Diego Air Cooled (VWs), the Lincoln and Continental Owners Club, the San Diego MG T Register, the San Diego Corvair Club, the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club and the Secret Car Club. Feel free to invite other car clubs if you wish.
It’s a big parking lot that has light use on Sunday mornings, so we will be able to spread out using every other parking space to maintain safe distancing. Everyone please wear a mask. Bring a hat as there is no shade. Besides The Corner Bakery there are several nearby alternatives for food and drink, or just bring your own. See below for an overhead view of the location.

There’s no agenda, just car nuts meeting car nuts and kicking tires. And meeting Tulip. If, after meeting her, you are interested in possibly rescuing a greyhound I’ll be glad to tell you about the breed (also known as “45 mile per hour couch potatoes”) and how to get started.
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