Bulletin to members: once again LCOC Western Region is joining with the Cadillac & LaSalle Club/Southern California Region in holding a gala car show and luncheon to kick off 2024 in style on Feb 25. The beautiful Lakewood Country Club, 3101 E Carson St, Lakewood, CA 90712, will host the event. We cordially invite you, your friends, family and your cars to come.
We would love to see your Cadillac, LaSalle, or Lincoln; but displaying your classic is not required to attend. If weather permits, display cars will be parked on the Club’s front lawn! Complimentary donuts and coffee will be available at check-in.
Our luncheon will be served at 11:30. Complete bar and wine selections are available at extra cost. PARKING SPOTS ON THE GRASS ARE LIMITED RESERVATIONS IN ADVANCE ONLY – RESERVE NOW!!!
Reservations must be received by Feb 9, 2024.
If you wish to pay via Zelle, direct payment to 626.407.2109. The recipient’s name is Mary, and the associated business field should remain blank. In the Memo field just before hitting the Send button insert your email address. Zelle payees will be sent an email confirmation that will also request information about the vehicle if any you plan to display.
To pay by check see flyer below. Highlight the area in blue below to copy then paste to your computer and print.
Then send the form and your check, payable to CLC So Cal to:
1229 S. Monterey St., Alhambra, CA 91801. Upon receipt of your form and check, you will receive an email or phone confirmation.
YES! I will attend the Winter Luncheon & Car Show at the Lakewood County Club
Enclosed is my check payable to CLC So Cal for $49 per person
Name: Email:_________________________________________________
Phone # with area code: ___ # of persons attending: Total paid: ___
I will display (circle one): Cadillac LaSalle Lincoln Year and model
I will attend the luncheon and show but will not display a car
If you are displaying more than one car, additional cars may be listed on reverse of form

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