Western Region LCOC News and Information
Registration Deadline Extended for Fabulous Paso Robles Region April 5 Wine Tasting Event
We are pleased to announce that our original registration response date for LCOC's award-winning Mystic Hills Vineyard wine tasting has been extended until March 30. Members, family and friends from throughout our Western Region are cordially invited to participate...
LCOC Grieves as Former LCOC Member Tom McCarthy has Passed Away
As spring nears we are very sad to report that our good friend and former LCOC Western Region board member Tom McCarthy has passed away after a long illness. At age 90 he died in his sleep on February 12 in Murrieta, CA. Long-time LCOC members recall Tom as an active...
Two Exciting Winery Visits are on Tap for LCOC this Spring
As March begins and Daylight Savings Time approaches LCOC is encouraging members,, family and friends to hit the road for some special winery events serving different parts of our Western Region. On Saturday March 29 the San Diego Automotive Museum will sponsor the...
Summer Temps Belied Winter Landscape at Joint 2025 San Gabriel Kickoff Car Show and Luncheon
The old adage that seeing is believing was turned on its ear at LCOC's Joint kIckoff event held Feb. 16 with the SoCal Cadillac & LaSalle Club at Clearman's Northwoods Inn, San Gabriel, CA. While the calendar clearly proclaimed mid-winter and the "snow" covered...
Just Days Remain to RSVP for Joint LCOC and Cadillac & LaSalle Club Kickoff Show and Luncheon; Sign-up Now!
Just a few more days remain until the Feb. 3 reservation deadline for the LCOC and Cadillac & LaSalle Club Winter Car Show and Luncheon scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 16 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Don't miss out---you must reserve now to ensure your spot on the show...
LCOC Joins Cadillac & LaSalle Club for Kickoff Show and Luncheon at Great New Location; RSVP by Feb. 3
LCOC and the Cadillac & LaSalle Club/Southern California Region cordially invite you, your friends, and family to our annual Winter Car Show and Luncheon Sunday, February 16, 2025, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at a fabulous new location----Clearman’s North Woods Inn,...
Sparkling Classics and LCOC Ring in 2025 at Imperial Club BBQ
Perfect January weather greeted more than 50 car buffs and their vehicles at Palm Springs' traditional first-of-the-year display event, the Imperial Club BBQ held Jan. 11 at the Valdivia Car Complex. LCOC joined with members of the Southern California Imperial Owners,...
Imperial Club Invites LCOC and their Classics to Jan. 11 Car Show & BBQ; Sign Up Before Jan. 3
Ring in the new year right at the traditional Palm Springs mega car club event Saturday, January 11, 2025 - from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Southern California Imperial Owners, Inc., this long-running show and lunch kicks off a new year of great car events!...
Happy Holidays LCOC; We Have Gifts Heading Your Way and a Great Year Ahead!
The preparation, hustle and bustle are over and now it's time for friends and family to gather and celebrate holidays that have endured through millenia or represent new tradition. For the first time in years both Christmas and Hanukkah fall on the same day, and...
Petersen Museum Hosts First Public Showing of Robotaxi by Tesla Nov. 27 – Jan. 2
The first public appearance of the Robotaxi by Tesla is being hosted by the Petersen Automotive Museum, 6060 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 . The first public display of Tesla’s Cybercab began over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and will run through...