It was deja vu all over again in the immortal words of baseball legend Yogi Berra at the LCOC and Cadillac and LaSalle Club’s joint 2020 Kickoff Brunch Sunday at the Lakewood Country Club. Last year’s event began with sunny skies and evolved into rain, but this year the clouds were brooding from the start. After a month of nearly perfect California winter sunshine, our show day was the only one that dawned gray and threatening.

Still, about 100 members of the two primary clubs plus a Lincoln sister club, the Rattys, family and friends made it to the event. A colorful display of vintage Cadillacs and Lincolns graced the show field in front of the club. The pending storm altered plans of some participants, who arrived in their daily drivers instead of their classics. But this resulted in some beautiful newer vehicles being added to the show, so it was all good.

One brave Cadillac owner arrived top-down in his convertible, but fortunately managed to get it raised before the serious rain began. Other owners improvised painter’s tape weather stripping around the windows. Obviously, they have been in this fix before.

Coffee and donuts were served during the tire kicking and fresh fruit was offered to those looking for healthier munchies to take home. Both clubs decked out check-in booths and LCOC previewed a new “Easy Up” tent courtesy of Western Region Director Jim Ayres.

A buffet of chicken, beef, potatoes, salad, roll and vegetables followed by cake and/or fresh fruit was enjoyed by all. Both clubs conducted brief business meetings during dessert, with Ayres announcing that a 10-mile driving tour will become part of each LCOC National Meet that will factor into the judging criteria.

This was followed by a presentation from LCOC’s Bazil LaRoche highlighting auto advertising over the decades.

Car owners of all stripes got a good laugh from a 1962 sales staff film strip comparing the smaller and more maneuverable Lincoln to the larger Cadillac. Ease of entry to Lincoln’s rear seats because of the center opening doors was another touted feature.
All in all, the event was a great way to meet up with old friends and make new ones, and we sincerely thank Betsy Davenport and her team for organizing the brunch and inviting us to come.
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