Annual Mike Cunningham Wine Country Picnic is Scheduled for Oct 13

 Once again the beautiful Sebastiani Winery in Sonoma will host the LCOC’s Western Region’s annual “Mike Cunningham” Wine Country Picnic.  Mike, an active and popular LCOC member passed away a few years ago. The Oct 13 picnic—always a staple social event for the northern part of our region— was first named for him in 2013 and was organized this year by Jim Finley and John Kiszla.  

Expect the lunch to be upscale and filled with a surprise or two, Last year the picnic featured delicious wines, marinated roast tri-tip, grilled chicken breast, cole slaw, and more, plus unique baked peanut squares and brownie desserts.  Yum! This year a short wine country driving tour will precede the picnic. There is still time to sign up, but the deadline is fast approaching.  Contact Jim Finley for details.

Event fee:  $10  per person 

RSVP to:  Jim Finley @

Pre-pay with a check to Jim Finley, 193 Winter Harbor Place, Vallejo, CA  94591  or pay at event.

Phone for questions:  Jim Finley  (707) 208-6678