The 2022 Lincoln Homecoming will again feature an auction of Lincoln-related items. A crowd favorite, the auction will take place on Friday evening Aug 12 following dinner. In past years auction items have included a variety of Lincoln items, including a brick from the original Lincoln factory.
If you have unneeded Lincoln-related items or are just ready to donate something from your collection now is a good time to do so. (You’ll also free-up some much-needed space in your garage or basement!)
What items are we seeking for the auction? One rule of thumb is items on which you would bid. We don’t need Lincoln club publications (we have hundreds) and we don’t need magazines, except pre-1950 car magazines. Condition is important.
What we are seeking is vintage Lincoln literature—sales brochures and catalogues, owner’s manuals and technical manuals and parts books. Lincoln parts from all eras are welcome, too, but they should be in good, clean condition, ideally NOS. Also popular are unusual Lincoln-related items such as showroom banners, signs and similar memorabilia. Finally, don’t forget items that may be of interest to the ladies. Serving as auction chairman is Carl Villone, LCOC Philadelphia Region Director. He will be assisted by James Capello, LCOC National Membership Director and Jim Casilio. LCOC Philadelphia Region member.
Carl can be reached at Contact Carl to determine if the items you’re considering are a good fit for this auction. He’ll take it from there. See below for examples of desired items.

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