No, not THAT CIA. We mean the beautiful Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. After a whirlwind three days of intense sightseeing, socializing, dining and tire kicking, more than 150 excited and elegantly dressed Lincoln & Continental Owners Club members graced the Anton Plaza at the CIA for a formal sunset cocktail reception followed by a memorable dinner and presentation of car meet awards. The reception and dinner were the grand finale of the 2019 LCOC Eastern National Meet, expertly organized and cordially hosted by Linda and Owen Clarke and members of the LCOC’s Mid Atlantic Region.
Centerpiece of the reception was the last of only 80 Coach Door Continentals built for sale this year to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Continental nameplate. The car was accompanied by officials of Ford Motor Company and Lincoln. It drew admiring glances and numerous photos from the partygoers.
- Chris Gray at the wheel, Jim Higgs, back seat, and Carol Higgs inspect Coach Door vehicle.
- Hoosiers Paul Temple, left, and Jeff Owen admire the Continental.
- Rear seat luxury.
- Elayne Bendel and Dennis Lagrange.
Specially formulated Mark II and Cosmopolitan cocktails plus a selection of wines and beers added to the occasion. A baker’s dozen of Western Region members and Chris Gray from the Northwest Region joined others for the fun. The 13 were Ron Cressy, Ray Gonzales, Jim and Carol HIggs, Stacy and Kerry Roscoe, Elayne Bendel, Jim Ayres, Jan Mc Niel, Marv Wendt, Bruce Hutchinson, Alberta, Canada’s own Dennis Lagrange. and LCOC photographer John Walcek.
- Bar offerings started the evening off right.
- JIm Ayres and Corol HIggs share a smile.
- Stately gazebo.
- Jim Ayres and Elayne Bendel.
- Planter and Roth Hall in the backgroound.
- CIA medallion.
- Bruce Hutchinson looking dapper.
- Gazebo close-up.
- Plaza promenade.
- Chris Gray samples a Cosmopolitan.
- Chris Gray, left, Carol and Jim Higgs.
- Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy
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