A welcome recurring event involving car enthusiasts from throughout the Palm Springs area was held January 24 at a new venue—-an eclectic private car collection—-and LCOC members joined more than 100 attendees in the fun.
Brad Prescott and Jeff Stork cordially hosted the catered barbecue and social event where attendees were thrust back into a mid-20th-century time warp of collector cars belonging to them and the guests.

Vintage Imperials, Chryslers, DeSotos, Lincolns, Cadillacs, and other classics motored onto the property for all to enjoy. In typical Palm Springs non-hurried fashion they began arriving around 9 a.m. and gradually filled the entire parking lot at the private car collection facility and other buildings on both sides of the street, creating a de facto neighborhood car show

“Wow look at that!” was the typical refrain as each new arrival graced the show area. As is usual with this many car buffs in one place stories of restorations, mishaps, new acquisitions, and hopes and dreams dominated the conversation.
All the a.m. tire kicking helped build up appetites. Grilled burgers with all the fixings, baked beans, and barbecued chicken dominated the lunch menu. Coffee, soft drinks and water washed it all down. And finally, homemade cookies, brownies and mini cupcakes topped off the lunch.
Fly overs by vintage aircraft from a nearby air show added to the atmosphere and enjoyment. Abundant sunshine and warm temperatures made for a lovely top down day for convertible owners.

Our thanks to Jeff and Brad and the Imperial Club for hosting another stellar January car event!
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