It was a picture-perfect sunny, yet cool morning when the attendees arrived to the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro for Radwood 2024. Radwood is an annual 80’s and 90’s car and culture event that takes place in Chatham, UK, Detroit, Amelia Island, Tacoma, San Francisco and San Pedro. First to arrive were those who opted for the upgraded indoor Royalty display area. It was not even 8:00am and the line of cars entering was long! Part of that lineup were no less than five absolutely beautiful Lincoln Mark VIIs, a perfect model to represent the Lincoln brand for the era.

After eagerly and patiently waiting, the Mark VIIs finally entered the event venue at the Port of Los Angeles and found their respective places, all lined up together. Outside the port warehouse where the Mark VIIs were displayed were many large ocean-going vessels, including shipping containers and even the Discovery Princess ship heading out for a cruise. As all the Royalty cars were set in place, a glance on the other side through the fumes of the 80’s and 90’s cars, revealed the non-Royalty cars entering in large numbers and finding their individual spots.

At 11:00am the party officially started, with spectators lining up, buying their tickets and entering the extravaganza. Live music from the era played loudly from the stage; the aroma of lots of different food from the lineup of food trucks filled the air. A beer garden was available for those who wanted more than to quench their thirst. More and more people filled the expansive area as the day progressed. The day continued with leisurely strolls, lots of tire kicking and great conversations throughout the many rows of wonderful 80’s and 90’s cars. Lots of cute doggies were present along with a very cute cat that had attended a total of five Radwood events. Many attendees dressed in Radwood era garb, bringing back great memories of the younger years for many in attendance.

The Mark VII lineup consisted of Nate Koski’s black ’90 LSC Special Edition, Matt Ripley’s blue ’90 LSC, Marv Wendt’s black ’89 LSC, Scott Balanda’s ’92 Bill Blass and Dave Meagher’s black ’91 LSC Special Edition. Marv Wendt should be recognized for traveling the farthest for the event, driving from his home in Ridgecrest through holiday weekend Friday traffic. Impressive to say the least!

The day finished with an award’s ceremony before all of the cars systematically exited. The time passed so quickly, indicating the immense enjoyment experienced by all who were fortunate to take part in this wonderful annual event. Some of the Mark VII owners took a nice drive through scenic Palos Verdes and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Terranea, while watching the sun setting over the Pacific. This day was one for the books and will long live in the memories of those who were there.

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