The Western Region Board of Managers convened at the beautiful Desert Princess Resort in Cathedral City, CA and took the following actions:
- Welcomed newly elected/re-elected board members Jeremy Sanford, Halsey Posadas and Bazil LaRoche, who will begin 3-year terms Jan.1, 2021.
- Elected the following as officers for 2021: Jim Ayres, Director; Jeremy Sanford, Deputy Director; Jim Finley, Secretary; and Bazil LaRoche, Treasurer.
- Received the Treasurer’s Report of $8,871 in the club’s treasury as of 10/16/20 and set $35 as the LCOC Western Region dues for 2021.
- Voted to post Western Region meeting minutes in the Members Only section of this Website.
- Presented the Director’s Award for outstanding service to Jan McNiel.
- Reviewed plans and progress for the LCOC Western National Meet to be held at the resort and the adjacent Double Tree Hotel by Hilton from May 5-9, 2021. The hotel is accepting meet reservations now and the meet registration package will be posted soon. Check our Events section for details.

Meet Co-Chairs Ron Cressy and John Burge outlined an amazing slate of events to showcase the gorgeous weather and uniquely Californian desert lifestyle so prized by residents and visitors to the Palm Springs area.
The schedule will include driving tours to local landmarks and restaurants, Mid-Century movie stars’ homes and architecture, and a very special reception at a venue housing seven great car collections. Many activities will be outside and all will respect any required COVID limitations.
There will be time for visitors to explore Palm Springs on their own at the very popular Palm Springs Village Fest/Crafts Fair and free admission to the Palm Springs Art Museum.
Technical presentations, receptions and a silent auction of high-end items is planned.
The main event, our Concours of the Classics celebrating 100 years of Lincoln luxury, will be held on Saturday May 8 on the beautiful Desert Princess Resort Golf Course, which is just steps away from the Double Tree, our headquarters hotel.

The awards banquet is planned for a unique outdoor setting employing special Hollywood techniques to introduce the prize-winning cars.
A gorgeous lakeside setting will form the backdrop for photos of the trophy-winning cars on Sunday May 9, which is also Mother’s Day here in the U.S.

Make your plans now to spend it at one of America’s most popular playground destinations. What could be a bigger treat for mom than a springtime excursion to Palm Springs?
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