LCOC’s 2024 has gotten off to a rousing start with wonderful LCOC events in Palm Springs, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Lakewood and Sylmar, CA, with many more to come during the year. Our next major event is the premium wine tasting and social planned for April 13 at Zaca Mesa Winery, Los Olivos, CA.
With about 350 total members we are so glad to have you newcomers onboard and to see so many familiar faces among our returnees. You are automatically enrolled in the region if your LCOC National Membership is current and you are a legacy member of the region or live in CA or NV.

In 2022 our board voted to abolish our mandatory $35 annual regional dues payment for 2023 and go with voluntary annual donations instead. Thanks to your kind response, we were able to sustain operations last year on donations alone so we are extending the voluntary donor policy through 2024! All of our board members are volunteers, but funding is needed to support our Website and stage club events including local and national meets.
Thus far, since last September through member response and a generous outside donation, we’ve raised over $900, but more is needed. So, this month we are holding a fund drive to add to our treasury.
Once again, we hope you appreciate the camaraderie and the fun of sharing our love of Lincolns with other members and would be willing to make a small donation to help defray our club expenses.
During our fund drive we are asking that you consider donating $10, $20 or $30 on behalf of the LCOC Western Region, though the option and ability to donate will remain active throughout the year. It’s easy to do.
Just click here to donate online or if you prefer, send a check for $10, $20 or $30 made out to LCOC Western Region, write Annual Donation in the memo line and mail it to Treasurer, LCOC Western Region, 3914 Aden Way, Riverside CA 92504. Yes. It’s just that simple.
Our club is fun and successful because of your participation and generosity, and we thank you so much for your support.
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