Nominations are in progress to fill three LCOC Western Region Board of Managers’ terms that expire at the end of 2024. Our region covers all of California and Nevada.

Terms of board members JIm Finley, Tony Mondini and Elayne Bendel expire at the end of this year. Any member in good standing may self-nominate by submitting a photo and a short write-up of their qualifications to the Western Region secretary by Aug 31. (See below for details)
Both Tony and Jim will be leaving the board at the conclusion of their terms. In addition, board member Tom Williams who was elected last year has left the board and Rich Hall, who secured the next most votes, will complete the remainder of Rich’s term, which will expire at the end of 2026. This means our board will have a significantly different look after this year’s election. While the turnover will present significant challenges it also offers a chance for fresh leaders with new ideas to step up and plan exciting future events and activities.
Folks, this is your club and the time is now for you to come forward and serve. All our great events, activities, shows, visits, field trips and cruises start in the minds of our members and are made possible by the actions of our Board of Managers. If you have been sitting on the sidelines and wish we offered a service or activity you haven’t seen, now is the time to step up and be heard.

Board members serve three-year terms. There is generally one face-to-face board meeting in a calendar year to which any and all Western Region members also are invited with about 3 additional teleconference board meetings scheduled by the director. With the Western Region hosting more in-person events now is the perfect time to become a member of the board and join in the fun of planning the activities!
To be eligible to run you need to be an LCOC Western Region member in good standing. You are automatically enrolled in the region if your LCOC National membership is current and you live in CA or NV or are a legacy member of the region living elsewhere.
Why run? Because your board determines the direction and activities as well as the operating budget for the LCOC Western Region. Other reasons to run? To meet and socialize with other board and general members, learn more about your classic car and have fun!
Elections will occur during September and officers will be selected for one-year terms by the incoming board at our annual meeting this fall. Terms of the newly elected board members will begin Jan. 1, 2025.
Interested candidates—including incumbents—should submit a digital photo of themselves and a description of about 150 words of their background and why they wish to serve as a member of the board to by Aug 31 of this year to be entered onto the ballot with a copy to .
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