On Saturday May 6 LCOC is invited to join with other car collectors for tire kicking and socializing at the annual Imperial Club BBQ. This stellar event has been a Palm Springs-area car buff highlight for many years sponsored by the Southern California Imperial Owners, Inc. (SCIOI).
Then on Saturday May 20 we will join with the SCIOI once again on a private tour of the fabulous Lyon Estate car collection followed by lunch. Click the link above and see below for details about this tour.
In past years this Imperial Club BBQ has featured some of the best mid-century Imperials in the area plus Lincolns, Packards and other brands from car club collectors near and far. See photos below. For 2023 the BBQ will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 8018 Palomar Ave, Yucca Valley, CA. Besides the BBQ treats host Bryan Burns announced DJ entertainment by Palm Springs’ one and only DJ Galaxy (Vincente Corrales). Cost is $20 pp for SCIOI members and their guests and $25 for all others.
You must register for the BBQ by April 28.
Contact Stu Suede to RSVP at ssuede@charter.net to register. Specify your email address for confirmation along with the number and first and last names of all attendees in your party, the year, make and model of the vehicle you will be bringing and your club affiliation.

Our Lincoln & Continental Owners Club tour of the Lyon Estate Museum scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2023, shapes up as one of our best for 2023! We’ll arrive at 10:00 a.m. for tour of a truly outstanding private collection that you won’t want to miss! A few of the vehicles displayed are shown below.

The Lyon Estate is located at 24331 Coto de Caza Drive, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679. LCOC will share the visit with our friends from the Southern California Imperial Owners, Inc. Attendance is strictly limited so you must register early. To register, first contact Jim Ayres, by phone, 949-689-8471, or e-mail by May 15, at jayres01@ca.rr.com. After you are confirmed, send a check for $10 per person made out to LCOC Western Region to Jim at 621 S. Orange St. Apt B, Orange, CA 92866.
Following our visit to the estate, we will head to the nearby Tijeras Creek Restaurant, 29082 Tigers Creek Road, Rancho Santa Margarita, for no-host lunch.
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