Our friends from the San Diego Cadillac & LaSalle Club have invited LCOC members and area Imperial owners to join with them on Friday July 1 at a local Escondido institution—Cruisin’ Grand—as part of a display of Large Cars Under the Stars. Start...
Early a.m. June gloom clouds gave way to brilliant sunshine as LCOC members helped celebrate the 36th renewal of the Huntington Beach Concours on June 5. Six members with Lincolns in the recent LCOC Western National Meet were entered in the HB show. In addition,...
One of southern California’s best automotive events—the San Marino Motor Classic—returns for 2022 on Sunday August 28. The classic has been growing in prestige and popularity since its founding in 2011 as a festival to support numerous local...
The 2022 Lincoln Homecoming will again feature an auction of Lincoln-related items. A crowd favorite, the auction will take place on Friday evening Aug 12 following dinner. In past years auction items have included a variety of Lincoln items, including a brick...
One of our LCOC Western Region’s favorite events, the HB Concours, returns for 2022 in its traditional early June timeframe with a two day event this year on Saturday and Sunday, June 4th and 5th to celebrate its 36th anniversary!! As usual the...