Elections are Underway; Meet the LCOC Western Region Candidates and Cast Your Ballot by Sept. 30
Four candidates are running for three open positions on the Western Region Board of Managers and winning candidates will serve 3-year terms beginning Jan. 1, 2022. All members of the region will receive either an email ballot or a hard copy ballot which they will be...
Final Call: Candidates for Board of Managers Wanted; Submit Your Info by Aug. 31
The deadline for coming forward as a candidate for the LCOC Western Region Board of Managers is Tuesday Aug. 31 so you must submit your intent to run by then. Three LCOC Western Region Board of Managers’ terms expire at the end of 2021 and we are asking all...
On the Road Again—Homeward Bound Part 4 – Hitting Weather on the Home Stretch
After a spirit-lifting custom breakfast omelet we hit the road on day 4 with a big decision to make. Our schedule had a built-in additional travel day cushion, so we had a choice of two relatively easy days of motoring or one very long day on the road to get home....
On the Road Again—Homeward Bound Part 3 – Teapot Dome
We had developed a routine by day 3 of our return trip, rising as early as possible, grabbing a quick breakfast in the hotel, loading our stuff into the car and taking off on our next leg. However, this day would add a new wrinkle. We were going to deviate from our...