Mega Car Event! Saturday, January 11, 2025 – 10:30 am to 3:00 pm
Bring in the new year 2025 By Viewing Multiple Car Collections and an Imperial Car Show. SCIOI is once again hosting the long running and very popular car event and BBQ, to kick off a new year of car events.
It’ll be held at the Valdivia complex in Palm Springs – same as last year. Palm Springs in January has very temperate weather, and the chance of rain is slim. Exact address available on RSVP.
RSVP by Email to Stu Suede, no later than Friday, January 3, 2025 to: s2suede@att.net – providing the following information:
a)Total # in your group (@ $20/person)
b) Of those, # in y our group buying BBQ Lunch (paid directly to Lynn-see below)
c) FIRST AND LAST name(s) of all in your group attending
d) Primary contact’s cellphone number
e) Email address to send the RSVP confirmation to (in case the address is different)
f) Car club affiliation
g )The year/make/model car you intend to bring
Stu will reply to your email confirming your reservation. Please follow-up if you do not receive an email response within 7 days of your RSVP email request.
All classic vehicles are welcome, and we hope you bring yours for everyone to ogle over. Admission cost is $20.00/person, payable at the event (to cover doughnuts, coffee, water, tables, chairs, etc.). This is SoCal Imperial Club’s main fund-raising event, so please come, enjoy, and help support our club.
Lunch will be a delicious BBQ meal, catered by our one and only Lynn Hammond (Caterer to the stars!). For a separate $20 per person, payable in advance directly to Lynn via Zelle, the tantalizing menu includes a) Burgers [meat and meatless], b) Condiments, c) Watermelon, d) Baked beans, e) Mac n cheese, f) Green salad, g) Cookies, and h) Drinks. Please Zelle $20/person to Lynn at 760.641.6629, no later than Friday, January 3, 2025. In the Zelle payment description, state “SCIOI BBQ Jan. 11th + the number in your party + the primary contact’s name.”
Several private garages where Great Autos members store their classic cars will be open for touring these collections, as well as all the fabulous cars that’ll be driven to the event. In 2024, there were 70 cars driven/displayed! SCIOI is inviting other local car clubs, such as Great Autos, LCOC, Cadillac/La Salle and AACA. Although hosted by the SoCal Imperial Club, you do not have to be a member to participate.
SCIOI Members – Items to bring: Your Club Name Badge, Folding Chair, and an appetite.
HURRY! – RSVP is required in advance, by JANUARY 3rd
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