Featured, News, Recent Events
An amazing timeline row of LCOC-owned Lincolns through the decades coupled with some custom Lincolns forming an “L” was the centerpiece of Saturday’s Lincoln and Lattes (L&L) event at the Lincoln Design Center, Irvine. With the threat of rain...
Featured, News, Upcoming Events
We are pleased to announce that the landmark meet, Lincoln & Lattes, is returning on Feb. 3 for 2024 and you are invited to visit this spectacular event. LCOC and Lincoln owners and groups throughout SoCal are joining forces with Ford Motor Company to present an...
Featured, News, Upcoming Events
This new year is proving to be one of the busiest for car buffs we have had in some time. After a very active January, LCOC is invited to tour the Nethercutt Collection and Museum, 15151 Bledsoe St, Sylmar, CA 91342, on Saturday Feb 10 along with our friends and...