It took a last-minute venue change but the Desert Classic Car Association pivoted on a dime recently to move their annual show from the Palm Springs Air Museum to the Ritz Carlton, Rancho Mirage, barely a week before the scheduled event. 2020 has been a rough year for...
LCOC members from near and far gathered in Sonoma Sept.19 for a fantastic day of car activities and socializing. Members Jim Ayres and Nathan Koski proved the old saying, “getting there is half the fun,” by meeting up in Ventura enroute to the picnic and...
Perfect summer weather and resistance to Covid-induced cabin fever resulted in a large turnout of collector and classic vehicles at an Aug. 9 Pasadena Heritage cruise event that began at the Rose Bowl and meandered through historic business and residential Pasadena...
If you are old enough to remember those “Buck Nights” at the drive-in theater where you could bring in a whole carload of folks for $1 your heart is sure to go pitter-pat over the 2020 version of the drive-in experience. First of all, who even knew there...
If you are a fan of gorgeous cars and art deco—and who isn’t?—a visit to the Mullin Museum is absolutely the best in eye candy! Founder Peter Mullin is the ultimate collector of French-designed autos incorporating the sleek and aero-inspired look of...
The Mullin Museum held its own version of Ford vs. Ferrari as several examples of both iconic brands were displayed at a recent invitational classic car show at the museum’s Oxnard, CA site. Six LCOC members were on hand for the fun, Western Region Director Jim...