Director’s Message Archive
Summer Director’s Message
Jul 28, 2020
Live car show events are being planned.
Spring Director’s Message —Many Car Events are Cancelled or Moved
Apr 7, 2020
Concern over the covid-19 pandemic has prompted many postponements and cancellations of some of our favorite shows and events. As of this writing the Orange Plaza Car Show that had been planned for April 19 has been postponed with no new date yet announced, and the...
Fall Director’s Message–Annual Meeting, 2020-21 Events, New Board Members, Lincoln Foundation, Top the News
Oct 13, 2019
We’ve had a lot of great events this last summer, and there are still a lot more happening before the year is over. On October 19 we’ll be having our 2019 LCOC Western Region Annual Meeting in Cathedral City at the Desert Princess Resort, coinciding with the Casual...
Director’s Message: LCOC Meets Taking Shape; Here’s the Latest
May 27, 2019
With this message I can announce that plans for the 2021 Western National Meet are well underway. The tentative date is the weekend of May 20-23 and the proposed venue in Palm Springs is spectacular. Meet co-chairs Ron Cressy and John Burge have been working hard to...
Winter 2019 Director’s Message
Feb 4, 2019
Elayne Bendel has been doing a fantastic job writing and publishing most of the articles and pictures for this website. As I sit here trying to compose my Director’s Message, I realize that Elayne has already written practically everything I wanted to say in my...
Fall 2018 Director’s Message
Oct 2, 2018
Thank you for visiting our website and for reading this message! Sometimes I feel as if my messages are not getting through to members or prospective members. Though we’ve had a lot of visits to the site, I haven’t gotten much feedback or many suggestions. We’ve spent...
Director’s Message June 2018
Jun 27, 2018
This has been a difficult Director’s message to write, as it will be my last to appear in the Confab. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. And so the Confab, which has gone through many changes over the years, is coming to...
May 4 Director’s Message
May 4, 2018
I hope everyone is having a fantastic year so far, I know I am! April was a busy month for me, with an event every weekend. First, of course, was Easter Sunday, spent with family and friends, followed by the La Jolla Concours and Motor Classic, Fabulous Fords Forever,...
April 5 Director’s Message
Apr 5, 2018
The year was officially “kicked off” with our visit to the Mullin Museum February 10. If you weren’t able to attend the event you missed something very special, but you can read about it in another story written by Elayne Bendel. Elayne has been invaluable to the...
January 2018 – Director’s Message
Jan 20, 2018
First off, I’d like to welcome our new board members, Arv Larson and Jim Higgs, and thank them for stepping forward to fill the empty seats on the board. I also want to thank Tom McCarthy for his many years of service to the club, who unfortunately had to step down...